
Showing posts from August, 2022


elearned how to analyze a poem even more.

Today refelction

 Today I learned how to analyze a text and watched a video.. I learned there is more meaning behind a word, the poet used the word “funeral” to define losing their mind. 

Todays reflect

 Today we talked about being Normal, or a somebody. The differences are VERY different but has their meanings, a famous person can be a nobody and I can be a somebody. We talked about earth and how differently it can be looked at, earth is so small from mars, a black hole has noises, and etc. 

Bell ringer

 From the videos I feel like there is SOME type of life outside of earth, we just have ever witnessed it before, seeing that image of earth really made it feel weird because it’s so big to us but from another perspective it’s so tiny. The black hole sound just sounds like a bunch of air moving around and this makes me wanna look at thing more different.

Todays summary

 Today we were introduced to poets, how to analyze every stanza, and how to make connections to them. We also watched a short film on how people make the most simplest things difficult. I make connections to the poem “we really cool” and how I will never make a connection to it again. 


 I was absent today on 8/25/2022 ( I have my origin myth, I will bring it tomorrow.)

Todays lesson

 Today I wrote my first organ myth, I made my origin myth about the creations of humans. I included my favorite animals which are monkeys & tigers. I also made it spiritual, I included wind, fire, and water. In the origin myth there is gonna be characteristics of every person with signs of a water, earth, and or fire sign to be that’s how humans were created. 

Todays lesson

 Today we learned that re reading a passage helps you find similarities in things, I learned the difference between a myth, legend, and religion. I found out that propaganda tried to make us believe certain cultures looked a certain way when they looked like a regular person. Mythology really caught my attention, I became excited when I found out we will be writing our own origin myth!!

Todays lesson

 Today was kind of a chill day, we did a bell ringer  and took a pre assessment and read passages about slavery and fathers with only one son. 

Todays lesson

 Today I learned how 8 figure of speech, I learned how they can only be used with people who speak English as a first language. I learned that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. I learned how to use my mind & make 24 sentences using the 8 types of figure of speech 

Todays lesson

 Today the lesson was ok reading with a purpose, a text will have MULTIPLE reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with eachother, I learned that I can stand up for myself and risk life or either go along and stick to my beliefs and keep them to MYSELF. Reading a passage without a purpose makes comprehension hard. 

Todays lesson

 Today I learned how to strictly tell the differences between formal & informal language. 


 My name is Michael, I attend cedar grove high school, I am 16 years old, I am born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Something I like to do for fun is write, party. Three goals I plan, and will achieve is to pass all my classes, apply to 2-4 colleges, and join fbla.